Digital Diaries

What will become of our online memories?


Nearly 3 in 4 adults use social media in America

More than 350 million photos are uploaded to Facebook
every day

60 million photos are shared daily on Instagram

100 hours of video is uploaded to Youtube every minute

These are our memories

What will happen to them?

Internet Archive
is a non-profit digital library founded in San Francisco in 1996.

It takes a snapshot of every webpage on every public website every two months. So far, that's 380 billion web captures.

The Internet Archive is visited by 4 million people a day.

It's the 200th most popular website of all websites.

So what do we do?

So what do we do?


what do people have to say?

Do you care about preserving your digital memories?

(Click on a box to hear their response)

Credits and Thank Yous

Jeremy Rue, advisor
Koci Hernandez, advisor
Paul Grabowicz, advisor
Additional videography: Jessica Hamel
Assistant production: Caterina Visco
Shawn Allee, advisor
Arrow by Jardson A. from The Noun Project
Music: Elegant Technology by Josh Levy and Under the Sky, Audio Jungle.
Source: Pew Research Center's Social Media Update 2013